Gerald, You need to annotate your sources so that we will know what information they contain and how you will use them to answer your question. And how with the Kafka biography help you to answer your question? If you can't find sources in Google Scholar, then try using Dogpile and using the Advanced Search option to limit results to .edu and .org domains. Don't stop looking just because you can't find something in one search engine. And remember that if you find a source in Google Scholar that requires payment, more than likely the university has the source available for free. If you can't access a source on Google Scholar, you should get with me and we can look for it in the library's databases.
Gerald, You need to annotate your sources so that we will know what information they contain and how you will use them to answer your question. And how with the Kafka biography help you to answer your question? If you can't find sources in Google Scholar, then try using Dogpile and using the Advanced Search option to limit results to .edu and .org domains. Don't stop looking just because you can't find something in one search engine. And remember that if you find a source in Google Scholar that requires payment, more than likely the university has the source available for free. If you can't access a source on Google Scholar, you should get with me and we can look for it in the library's databases.